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New Advanced Thumbsaver massage tool small-med x 1 pc

New Advanced Thumbsaver massage tool small-med x 1 pc

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Thumb sml
Thumbsavers(R) are an affordable massage tool that assists therapists by providing support and reducing the stress on your joints and wrists from deeper tissue massages, while protecting your most valuable assets: your thumbs and hands!

Thumbsavers are a unique massage tool because your thumbs and fingers are actually inside them.

Thumbsavers have the right sensitivity & mobility that separate it from other tools. Fatigue thumb, fingers, and wrist pain will be no longer a problem. You can prolong your career and protect your most valuable assets. Thumbsavers can be used interchangeably with thumbs, middle and index fingers.

As technology has improved, the new Advanced Thumbsavers have: 

Advanced Sensitive Tip - Allows for better a better interaction between your fingers and the clients tissue. Know where you are working, what you are working on, and determine exactly how much pressure to deliver.

Improved Venting - Allows for a cooler working experience via enhanced breathability.

Comfort Fit Opening - The Thumbsavers Advance is more ergonomically shaped, and has a soft opening the is flexible and natural feeling. It is much more comfortable to wear, especially for shorter fingers. 

Message from Greg Polins, the developer of Thumbsavers: You will be amazed how fast therapists and clients benefit from its use during massage !!! It has already extended not only my own career but also the careers of countless therapists since its introduction three years ago.

Thumbsavers can be used for:

  • Trigger Points therapy
  • Deep tissue massage/ neuromuscular therapy
  • Chair Massage
  • Acupressure
  • Shiatsu
  • Thai Massage
  • Reflexology
  • Equine Massage

More about thumbsavers from the inventor Greg Polins

"Joint Pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Almost Ended My Massage Career...

My name is Greg Polins. I'm the inventor of Thumbsavers and a former massage therapist. I owned and operated my own Massage Therapy business from 1995 to 2005. After eight years, I began to experience crippling pain in my thumbs and wrist from the extensive deep tissue massage that I had been performing. I needed a solution or my career would have been over.

After considerable experimentation and prototypes, I developed an affordable massage tool that assists therapists by providing support and reducing the stress on your joints and wrists from deeper tissue massages, while protecting your most valuable commodity: your hands!
Massage deeper and work longer"

Australian massage and physical therapists will enjoy the benefits of thumbsavers such as

  • Reduce carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Alleviate wrist, thumb and joint fatigue and pain.
  • Feels natural and offers maneuverability.
  • Greater sensitivity for you.
  • Deeper massage for your client.

Thumbsavers are available to buy online for delivery Australia wide

Read more: 6 questions to Greg Polinsabout Thumbsavers

What size thumbsaver should I buy?

What Size Do I Need? Take A Measurement Across The Area Just Above The Joint In The Middle Of Your Thumb (If That Is The Widest Part). If It Is ~ 1/2" to 7/8", Order Teal - Small. If It Is Between 7/8" and 1 1/8", Order Orange - Large. This Is What We Call 'The Rule Of Thumbs'.

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